Our staff are well-trained in sedation dentistry for oral surgery, and it might be just what’s needed to make your next dental visit as easy and comfortable as possible.
Sedation dentistry for oral surgery is a technique utilized all the time to help ease patients’ fears. This works as a form of conscious sedation to help you feel relaxed during your appointment, and is used for patients who have an procedure planned which may require a significant amount of time to complete or for those who may be more invasive than the person is comfortable with.
If you are planning on being sedated at your next dental visit with oral surgery, be sure to schedule your transportation needs ahead of time as you will not be allowed to drive yourself home. Within no time, you’ll be recovered and ready to enjoy your healthy and beautiful smile again.
Don’t let anxiety or fear of dental work prevent you from getting the dental care you need. Visit All Family Dental and Braces today for sedation dentistry in Chicagoland.